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最新发现首种“齿轮昆虫” 腿部齿轮协调弹跳

2015-04-22 12:23:16



一种叫做“伊苏斯虫(Issus coleoptratus)”的昆虫,擅长在植物之间跳跃,被认为是自然界首个具有功能性齿轮结构的生物。该昆虫后腿的咬合齿轮结构有助于它的腿部同步跳跃。

英国剑桥大学神经生物学名誉教授马尔科姆-布罗斯(Malcolm Burrows)说:“据我所知,伊苏斯虫是自然界第一种具有齿轮结构的生物。”他和同事使用高速相机拍摄了伊苏斯虫的齿轮结构运行,当它们准备跳跃时,啮合两条腿上的齿轮齿,就如同手枪扣上扳机,之后它们以平滑爆发式动作实现弹跳。 





    Interacting Gears Synchronize Propulsive Leg Movements in a Jumping Insect 
    Malcolm Burrows†, Gregory Sutton
    Gears are found rarely in animals and have never been reported to intermesh and rotate functionally like mechanical gears. We now demonstrate functional gears in the ballistic jumping movements of the flightless planthopper insect Issus. The nymphs, but not adults, have a row of cuticular gear (cog) teeth around the curved medial surfaces of their two hindleg trochantera. The gear teeth on one trochanter engaged with and sequentially moved past those on the other trochanter during the preparatory cocking and the propulsive phases of jumping. Close registration between the gears ensured that both hindlegs moved at the same angular velocities to propel the body without yaw rotation. At the final molt to adulthood, this synchronization mechanism is jettisoned.
